A Special Tribute for June E. Jones
June E. Jones
A life well-lived! That’s how my sister and I would describe our mother’s life. For 87 years, June E. Jones lived each day to the fullest. She never complained and was a fighter until God called her home. A native of Fairmont Heights, Maryland, she enjoyed everything the DMV had to offer, from politics to literature, the fine arts, the Washington Commanders (formerly the Redskins), DeMatha High School basketball, and eating crabs.
She never missed Sunday mass at Incarnation Catholic Church or our annual family reunion. Family time was everything to her. Nothing was better than spending time with her children, grandchildren, brother, sisters, cousins, nieces, and nephews. She was always known for her beautiful smile, hardy laugh, and a warm hug.
For 17 years, she handled the ups and downs of being a dialysis patient. For 3 ½ hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, she endured the treatment but never complained. After each session, her routine was a trip to McDonald’s for a small coffee (one cream and three sugars, just in case you were wondering), then head home to enjoy that cup of joe with a lemon pastry and watch “The View.”
Each morning and night ended with prayers, saying the rosary, and thanking God for another day.
She will be missed! We plan to honor her daily memory with a story of love, sacrifice, and commitment. Thank you for this donation, and may God continue to bless you! Love, the Jones family!